Life is Like a Camera


This has become one of my favorite quotes. It's true. Life IS like a camera. We FOCUS on the important things in our lives…our faith, family, friends, health, etc. We CAPTURE precious moments in our memories. We DEVELOP from the negative things that happen to us; we learn and grow from those negative experiences. And we always have a second chance to TAKE ANOTHER SHOT to make things right in our lives. All we need to do is make the choice to do so.


Happy Monday!!!



Let It Go …

Don't hold on to any negative feelings or experiences from your past. Let them go making way and giving room for positive, better, and brighter experiences a chance to come into your life!


Good Morning!!!

It’s Wednesday!!! We’re halfway through the week!!! Have a great day everyone and remember …

Good Morning!!!

Always try starting your day on a positive note. A smile and hug with your spouse and kids, maybe take a stroll around the neighborhood and breathe in the fresh air while looking at the beauty of God's creation around you. That one positive thought may not only brighten your day but someone else's as well!

But always, ALWAYS, before leaving to head out to work or sending your kids off to school, tell your loved ones “I love you.” Three words. It will only take a few seconds. You just never know when God will call any of us back home.