Today’s Reflection … 08/08/14


Pray for Hawaii


As you read this Tropical Storm Iselle has passed over the Big Island and is moving across the rest of the island chain. We haven't had a storm or hurricane “hit” Hawaii since Hurricane Iniki in 1992. Following Iselle is Hurricane Julio which as I'm publishing this has been upgraded to a Category 3 hurricane. Julio is located a little more northern and is expected not to directly pass through the Hawaiian Island chain like Iselle. But, you never know what may happen in the next 24-48 hours. So I humbly ask for your prayers for our State at this time. Mahalo!


Today’s Reflection … 08/04/14



Day 4

“I DECLARE it is not too late to late to accomplish everything God has placed on my heart. I have not missed my window of opportunity. God has moments of favor in my future. He is preparing me right now because He is about to release a special grace to help me accomplish that dream. This is my time. This is my moment. I receive it today! This is my declaration.”

– Joel Osteen

from “I Declare: 31 Promises to Speak Over Your Life”

Day 3

“I DECLARE I have the grace I need for today. I am full of power, strength, and determination. Nothing I face will be too much for me. I will overcome every obstacle, outlast every challenge, and come through every difficulty better off than I was before. This is my declaration.”

– Joel Osteen

from “I Declare: 31 Promises to Speak Over Your Life”

Day 2

“I DECLARE I will experience God’s faithfulness. I will not worry. I will not doubt. I will keep my trust in Him, knowing He will not fail me. I will give birth to every promise God put in my heart and I will become everything God created me to be. This is my declaration.”

– Joel Osteen

from “I Declare: 31 Promises to Speak Over Your Life”

My Current Inspirational Books


Joel Osteen is one of my favorite preachers and inspirational writers out there. Some of my friends tell me, “But wait, aren't you Catholic?” My answer is yes I am. That doesn't mean I can't venture out and listen to other Christian leaders who help me spiritually. We are ALL CHRISTIANS. In the end God will not separate us by denominations in heaven. We are all His children who worship Him differently. Another non-Catholic whom I love to hear preach and have a number of her books is Joyce Meyer. She cracks me up! Anyway, I'll be sharing Joel's 31 Promises from his “I Declare” book this month starting today, and maybe some excerpts from the other book with some thoughts. Let's get inspired together!!!


Day 1

“I DECLARE God’s incredible blessings over my life. I will see an explosion of God’s goodness, a sudden widespread increase. I will experience the surpassing greatness of God’s favor. It will elevate me higher than I ever dreamed of. Explosive blessings are coming my way. This is my declaration.”

– Joel Osteen

from “I Declare: 31 Promises to Speak Over Your Life”

Today’s Reflection … 07/27/14


Today’s Reflection … 07/26/14